Draženko Celjak

DABAR: Croatia's National Infrastructure for Digital Repositories

In 2015, SRCE launched Croatia’s national infrastructure for digital repositories, DABAR, which initially supported the storage and dissemination of student theses. Today, DABAR accommodates 16 different types of digital objects, including various publications, student papers, research data, and educational and artistic content. It is used by nearly all institutions within Croatia’s science and higher education system and is integrated with relevant national information systems. Built on the open-source Islandora framework, DABAR has become a crucial part of Croatia's digital landscape. During this presentation, we will reflect on our journey - emphasizing both our successes and areas for improvement.


Draženko Celjak is the head of the Data Management Department at the University of Zagreb University Computing Centre (SRCE). He aims to advance open science through the development of essential infrastructure. His responsibilities include managing the national repository infrastructure DABAR, the Portal of Croatian Scientific and Professional Journals HRČAK, and the national cloud storage service PUH.