Roundtable 1: What do we need from research data standards?

There is a growing consensus that sharing data is the key to opening up siloed research projects towards a more productive, interconnected ecosystem. While some valid concerns, conditions and exceptions remain, the widespread adoption of FAIR Data Principles and the increasing use of Linked Open Data illustrates the real appetite for greater sharing.


Roundtable 2: Data Sharing and Reuse—Practicalities and Opportunities Across Research

There are very few voices objecting in principle to the increased sharing of research data, but sharing does not always happen in practice. What are the reasons, how do we break current data silos, and what are the realities involved? 


Phaidracon'22 sessions

Reusing data—from different perspectives:
Phaidra partners present current interesting projects they are involved in with their respective institutions.

Moderation: Susanne Blumesberger and Raman Ganguly

Susanne Blumesberger: Welcome and Introduction by vice-rector Ronald Maier, responsible for Digitalisation and Knowledge Transfer.

Simon Ganahl (University of Vienna)
Opportunities and Challenges of Open-Access Publishing: The Use Case of Campus Medius.

Veronika Heider (AUSSDA - The Austrian Social Science Data Archive)
Enhancing Data Reuse in the Social Sciences in Austria

Claire Jean-Quartier (Technical University of Graz)
Data sharing for integrated computational methods.

Alexander Gruber (Technical University of Graz)
ELNs: Enabling data re-use with appropriate metadata documentation using the example of eLabFTW.

Giulio Turetta (Digital Services Librarian at the University of Padua Library Center)
The Historical Archive of Padua’s Botanical Garden: A case of data enrichment, integration, and reuse.

Daniel Spichtinger (European research policy analyst & open science expert) and Marcel la Flamme (Open Research Manager at Public Library of Science)
Seeing oneself as a data re-user: How subjectification activates the drivers of data reuse in science.